General FAQs

  • What are the opening hours of HKIA VIP Lounge?

    The Lounge opens 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

  • Does HKIA VIP Lounge accept walk-in guests?

    No. The Lounge requires reservation in advance. We accept lounge booking via our Online Booking System at least 48 hours prior to your departure or arrival flight time.

  • Who can use HKIA VIP Lounge?

    All departing, arriving passengers and other guests who see the passenger off/ welcoming the passenger can use the Lounge. However, we are not able to provide service to transfer passenger and passenger aged 11 or below without a guardian.

Lounge Reservation

  • How do I make a booking at HKIA VIP Lounge?

    You should first register a user account in the Online Booking System. Then you may submit an application for the use of the Lounge at least 48 hours before the departure or arrival time of your flight.

  • What are the procedures for confirming my application?

    To ensure the best experience for you, we need to review your application with the Lounge availability. After review, we will send you a payment link (if applicable) and your booking will be confirmed after the payment is made successfully.

  • Can I revise or cancel my booking?

    You may revise or cancel your booking through the Online Booking System 48 hours before the departure or arrival time of your flight. Please contact us for assistance should you wish to revise or cancel a booking less than 48 hours before your departure/arrival flight time. For our cancellation or refund policy, please refer to Terms and Conditions for Booking of HKIA VIP Lounge.

  • Can I make a single booking for passengers who are travelling on different flights?

    No. Separate bookings should be made for passengers travelling on different flights.

Lounge Usage

  • I’m a departing passenger. How much time prior to my flight should I arrive at the Lounge?

    You may arrive at the Lounge 3 hours before the scheduled departure time of your flight. You are advised to arrive at the Lounge with your checked luggage no less than ninety (90) minutes prior to the departure time to allow sufficient time for flight facilitation process by airlines and law enforcement agencies.

  • What should I do if my flight is delayed?

    If your flight is delayed after you arrive at the Lounge, we will do our best to accommodate your extended use of the Lounge. However, such accommodation may not always be feasible and additional service charge may be incurred.

  • Is smoking permitted in the Lounge?

    Smoking is not allowed in the Lounge.

  • Can I do shopping in the Lounge?

    Private shopping services can be pre-arranged and tailor made for you. Our dedicated shopping ambassador will contact you to attend to your needs, reserve your favorite luxury pieces or purchase souvenirs for you to pick up upon arriving at the lounge. Or you can contact us for more details.

  • What payment methods are available for the ad hoc services or additional charges at the Lounge?

    We accept payment by Visa, MasterCard, American Express, UnionPay, Alipay, AlipayHK and WeChat Pay for ad-hoc services. Payment by cash is not accepted.

  • Are pets allowed in the Lounge?

    Bringing animals into the Lounge is not allowed. (except for guide dogs accompanying persons with sight disability)

  • Do you offer vegetarian menu at the Lounge?

    Yes, we offer vegetarian options at the Lounge.